Something old, something new, something borrowed, something black and white?

QR Code Invitations

QR Code Invitations
Innovative uses for QR codes are not just for marketers to discover. In fact, some of the most inspired uses for the codes have come from individuals seeking better ways to establish themselves in the age of technology.

Actors and job seekers have taken to adding the codes to their resumes, and business men and women have being doing the same with their business cards. There is no doubt that the black and white, blocky pattern stands out. That is why Melody Chalaban and her fiancée chose QR codes when sending out invitations for her wedding.

Chalaban is a PR consultant for several tech companies and has been exposed to QR codes in the past. So far, a series of save-the-date cards have been sent out. The cards feature two QR codes. One links to the Wedding’s website, and the other allows guests to add the ceremony date to their mobile calendar.

“We’re kind of geeky,” says Chalaban. “We knew we couldn’t send all our communications digitally and the QR codes seemed like a good bridge.”

The couple has plans to embed a code on the wedding invitations as well. The code will allow guests to automatically RSVP, a move that Chalaban hopes will expedite the process. The bride-to-be has expressed her favor of the codes because they allow her to offer something beyond a traditional card.

In the age of technology, finding new ways to communicate and connect with your peers is often as simple as the scan of a barcode.

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