Print could survive the technology revolution with the help of augmented reality

Stern Magazine Augmented Reality

Stern Magazine Augmented Reality
Augmented reality seems to take a leap ahead with every passing day. The technology has, indeed, come a long way since its early days where its development was stunted by the lack of hardware capable of supporting it. Now, however, games, movies and advertisements are being centered on the technology. As more businesses begin to adopt augmented reality, they are discovering the myriad possibilities of the technology. One such possibility would have augmented reality save the whole of the print industry single-handedly.

Print has been on the decline since the advent of technology. With more books, magazines and news publications shifting toward more tech-friendly mediums, consumer interest in printed content has been waning. Technology is often seen as the thorn in the side of the print industry, contributing to its slow demise. Yet it may be technology that ends up saving the industry.

Stern, the most popular news magazine in Germany, has devoted its latest issue to augmented reality and its uses. The magazine is littered with a wealth of AR triggers that can be experienced through the browsing application Junaio. Stern has taken time to show how the technology can be used to enhance print media, bringing such publication back from the brink of obsolescence.

The blending of technology and print may produce a medium that is far more accessible and engaging than the two industries could be on their own, but only time will tell.

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