New research has shown that there’s a lot more to the success of smartphone advertising than design and message.
Marketers need to take a great deal into account in order to gain a positive mobile ad response from their target market. That said, according to recent research, there may be certain factors involved in the way a consumer responds to advertising that are out of a marketer’s control.
The weather appears to have a measurable impact on the way consumers view and react to an ad.
The study showed that weather-based advertising can actually help to improve a consumer’s mobile ad response. The research revealed that certain types of weather conditions can cause a better reaction among consumers to the marketing they see than others. That said, the research also determined that the tone of a smartphone ad can improve or worsen a consumer’s response to a certain mobile ad, depending on the weather occurring at the same time they see it.
For this reason, marketers may want to start taking current local weather into account to improve mobile ad response.
There were a number of different elements that impacted the way online and mobile advertising strategies were received. The results of the study were shared in a published report in the Marketing Science journal. Those results provide greater credibility to the growing trend toward weather based advertising.
The study showed that some conditions predispose consumers to a more positive reaction to mobile marketing. That said, the tone of the ad content can make or break the consumer’s response regardless of what the weather may be. The tone must match the weather in order to generate the desired reaction.
Weather based marketing efforts have brought about some powerful partnerships in mobile marketing, such as in the case of the large number of brands partnering up with the Weather Channel Company. In fact, there are already over 200 brands that have partnered with that meteorological company for advertising and promotions. They include: Taco Bell, Burberry, Farmers Insurance, Delta Airlines and Ace Hardware.
The mobile ad response study was titled “Sunny, Rainy, and Cloudy with a Chance of Mobile Promotion Effectiveness.”