A recent survey showed that the online retailer has the best smartphone shopping and service model.
The results of a customer satisfaction survey performed by ForeSee Results, a market research firm, Amazon is creating the mcommerce experience that produces the highest degree of customer satisfaction.
The study included a survey of 6,200 mobile consumers over the holiday season of 2012.
This survey looked into the customer satisfaction levels provided by 25 of the top mcommerce websites. It was Amazon that led the pack after having achieved a score of 85 out of a possible 100 points. This was a full 2 points over the next top performing company, Apple.
The mcommerce customer satisfaction score took in four primary elements in its calculation.
That score was built on: merchandise selection, price, functionality of the mcommerce app and website, and the content. According to Larry Freed, the president and CEO of ForeSee, the primary insight that was discovered through this survey was that “the mobile platform is maturing much faster than the PC platform. Customers are using mobile devices at home, on the go, while in stores, and while at work, and a retailer’s mobile sites and apps can work for them or against them.”
Freed also went on to say that it’s no longer possible to consider mcommerce to be simply a convenience or an added feature. It’s not just a tactical play anymore for retailers. Instead, it is a necessity. He explained that consumers don’t think about their shopping habits by defining them in terms of channels. Instead, “They want a seamless, excellent, merged experience where they can shift easily between devices and channels.”
The survey occurred from Thanksgiving through until Christmas 2012 and the results of the mcommerce customer satisfaction analysis have just been released. It also highlighted the importance and the popularity of showrooming. Among the 70 percent of respondents who said that they had used a mobile device in-store during that period of time, 21 percent claimed to have used a comparison shopping site and 37 percent said that they used the app or website of a competing retailer.