SAFE@LAST, a charity that provides young people in crisis with support when they are considering running away, has partnered with Txtlocal, a top UK communications and mobile marketing company to provide additional services using SMS. SAFE@LAST offers a number of services that range from crisis intervention to prevention. They required a new method that would allow at-risk young people to access their services easily and inexpensively, and SMS was the clear choice. Young people can now use the award winning Txtlocal control panel to send text messages to the SAFE@LAST…
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SMS marketing faces a challenging future
Frustrated consumers are becoming immune to many SMS marketing techniques… due to spamming and other overuse techniques – leading marketers who use this method to wonder what the future holds for this type of market communication. Though SMS marketing has not been around for a long time when compared with other forms of advertising, branding, and promotions, it has rapidly come to the point that consumers are frustrated with it and are no longer paying attention to a large percentage of the messages that they receive. Due to spamming and…
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