The U.S. government is taking an interest in augmented reality. While details regarding their level of interest in the technology are scarce, public safety officials say that AR may play a big role in law enforcement and security in the future. Thus far, the technology has seen most use in the realms of marketing and gaming. In these industries, augmented reality shines as it presents consumers with a new experience. While the technology has an undeniable entertainment appeal, it can be used for a number of purposes by the government’s various agencies.
In the case of law enforcement, augmented reality can help officers perform their duties quicker and more effectively. Using a pair of AR glasses, officers can glean a wealth of information from a simple license plate, which is funneled into their field of view. These same glasses could alert officers of possible dangers in their environment and highlight appropriate paths to take to avoid such dangers. Such a device could be used in the military, as well. The military has even begun using AR technology to help pilot unmanned aircraft.
The technology currently available may not turn anyone into a super soldier, but it has unlocked a new way of thinking about the future. Augmented reality is already being used by some government agencies for speech and face recognition. Exactly how far the technology will continue to advance has yet to be seen.