Lifespire brings QR codes to a new age medical bracelet

QR Code Medical Bracelet

QR Code Medical Bracelet
Lifespire, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps developmentally disabled persons achieve their goals, has been developing a new version of the Code Amber Medic Altertags, a modernized medical bracelet. The tags are not actually pieces of jewelry like their predecessors; these are similar to small, plastic cards often seen adorning key chains. The new tags will feature a prominent QR code, which Lifespire hopes will be used by emergency personnel to retrieve medical information for those in need as quickly as possible.

Mobile technology has been serving emergency medical technicians well in recent years. Equipped with smart phones, EMT’s have been able to get in contact with hospitals and emergency dispatchers quicker than ever before. With QR codes entering the medical field, EMT’s will soon have more access to medical records, which will allow them to meet the needs of patients in need of immediate care.

The tags are also a precursor to the coming health care shift toward electronic record keeping. The federal health care law dictates that hospitals begin storing documents electronically to allow for better organization and access. The tags will be linked into these databases, giving that tags owner full access to choose what can or cannot be displayed when they are scanned.

Mark van Voorst, CEO of Lifespire, says that the life tags are a “powerful and potentially life-saving tool for anyone to carry.”

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One Thought to “Lifespire brings QR codes to a new age medical bracelet”

  1. Amy Kamen makes stylish, colorful medical IDs with QRs codes that connect to a complete online medical profile and alert emergency contacts. Their IDs also have URL/Codes printed on each ID just in case the QR cannot be scanned. They are an excellent example of a powerful use of QR codes.

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