The jewelry can be scanned with a smartphone to share Navajo Native American history. November is National Native American Heritage Month and as a part of its celebration, new QR code beaded bracelets have been created to share a traditional craft and storytelling at the same time. The attractive and eye-catching jewelry can be used to communicate storytelling information. The idea of using QR code jewelry to share history through smartphone scans isn’t as new as it might seem. Clearly, the use of barcode scans using a phone is new,…
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QR codes on jewelry to share medical information
Now that these barcodes have become familiar enough that they could help in an emergency situation. Although QR codes are most commonly found on product packages and advertising, they are now becoming so familiar that they could help to save a person’s life in an emergency situation. The key would be to make sure that the barcode was actually present on the person. It is precisely this concept that is behind the myID bracelet. This new form of medical identification bracelet includes not only an ID and a number that…
Read MoreQR codes released on Posh Pet ID collars
These new products for cats and dogs are not only high tech but are based on jewelry designs. Posh Pet ID, a cat and dog products company, has just unveiled its latest pet collar charm, which features QR codes that are worked into its unique jewelry designs. These new products are meant to allow animal owners to keep their pets looking stylish while being safe. Owners of dogs and cats alike now have a new and stylish option to keep their beloved pets safe without having to sacrifice their appearance.…
Read MoreLifespire brings QR codes to a new age medical bracelet
Lifespire, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps developmentally disabled persons achieve their goals, has been developing a new version of the Code Amber Medic Altertags, a modernized medical bracelet. The tags are not actually pieces of jewelry like their predecessors; these are similar to small, plastic cards often seen adorning key chains. The new tags will feature a prominent QR code, which Lifespire hopes will be used by emergency personnel to retrieve medical information for those in need as quickly as possible. Mobile technology has been serving emergency medical technicians…
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