Mobile commerce study shows massive growth

mobile commerce app popularity - zoompass example

A new study conducted in the United Kingdom has shown that the smartphone shopping trend is expanding rapidly. Mobile commerce is rapidly making its mark on the world and the results of the latest study conducted in the United Kingdom have suggested that if companies fail to accept this fact and keep up with the demands of technology, they could rapidly be left behind by their competition. The popularity of smartphones has made this channel available and used by a very rapidly growing consumer base. Gartner research has now shown…

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M-commerce sales report shows high 2012 figures

United Kingdom mobile commerce

A report from a benchmarking company in the United Kingdom shows £7.5 billion in sales. According to the results of 2012 as reported by IMRG Capgenmini Quarterly Benchmarking, from the United Kingdom, m-commerce sales broke the £7.5 billion mark. To many, this has signaled the true beginning of the mainstream use of this channel by consumers. The internet trade organization reported that in 2012, m-commerce sales made up 12 percent of the overall online shopping revenue in the United Kingdom. This was a massive increase over 2011, when that same…

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M-commerce used mostly for research not purchasing

M-Commerce growth

Adults in the United Kingdom use their mobile devices for research but use computers to buy. As a result of m-commerce security concerns, adults in the United Kingdom are still using their mobile devices to research products, but when it comes to making the actual purchase, they are still opting to use their desktops and laptops to buy the items that they choose. This is the case among one quarter of adults in the U.K., as they have yet to trust mobile. The study was conducted on behalf of BSS…

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Mcommerce Android apps in the U.K. are growing quickly

U.K. Mobile Payments

Shopping and banking applications are increasing in use faster than most others. The latest data from the United Kingdom is showing that the use of banking and mcommerce apps is growing more quickly among Android device users than the use of gaming applications. That said, Facebook and Google are still at the lead of that marketplace, regardless of their nature. Nielsen statistics are showing that among the top 15 major apps that are growing the most rapidly for users of Android devices, seven are related to mcommerce, such as those…

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Mcommerce spending to increase by over 500% in the UK

U.K. Mobile Payments

A recent study has shown that over the next five years, smartphone shopping will skyrocket. Insights provider, Verdict Research, has announced the results of their most recent mcommerce study, which has shown that the average smartphone shopper in the United Kingdom will spend an annual £905 over this channel by the year 2017. When compared to 2012 data, this is an increase of 243 percent. In the mcommerce retail channel as a whole, the researcher predicts that there will be an increase of 504 percent within that time period. This…

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