Augmented reality application focuses on young consumers

mobile commerce demographics

Pulp Strategy launches new application to give companies an edge in ground marketing Pulp Strategy Communications, an experiential marketing and digital communications agency, has launched a new augmented reality application that is meant to combine the digital and print worlds. The application is meant to add a new dimension to print media, which has struggled to stay in the interests of consumers due to the availability of new gadgets that have made some forms of print media obsolete. The augmented reality application allows for static creatives and collaterals to be…

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iOptik hints at the future of augmented reality

Augmented Reality contact lens

Technology beginning to expand beyond the mobile space Augmented reality has caused quite a stir in the technology world. The technology has all but changed the way people interact with their environment, a fact that has garnered the technology a great deal of attention from consumers and businesses alike. With demand on the rise, augmented reality has seen several advances that make it more intuitive and powerful. These advances are beginning to change what the future may hold for the technology, pushing it beyond the realm of smart phones and…

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Film examines a future of augmented reality implants

augmented reality implants

Filmmakers look forward, predicting a strange future of augmented reality Though augmented reality technology is somewhat old – dating back to when 3D technology was first developed – it is still in the relatively early stages of its use. As such, there is no way to definitively determine how the technology might impact the lives of those that use it. Augmented reality mobile applications are quickly becoming commonplace, with products like glasses and headsets that make use of the technology close behind. Israeli filmmakers Eran May-raz and Daniel Lazo have…

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Apple files patent for head-mounted augmented reality system

Apple Patent

Apple begins to show revitalized interest in augmented reality As one of the world’s largest and most innovative technology companies, Apple is often on the cutting edge of gadgetry and the application of interactive technologies. The company has adopted a keen interest in NFC technology, which will be used in the company’s upcoming iPhone 5. NFC is not the only interactive technology that Apple is interested in, however, as it has begun showing more favor for augmented reality. The company seems to be reviving its augmented reality initiatives, many of…

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Augmented reality systems controls computers through eye movements

Researchers create computer system that can register eye movement Researchers from the Imperial College London have developed a new technology that leverages augmented reality as a way to help the disabled use computers. The system created by researchers utilizes a pair of glasses that are equipped with motion sensors and augmented reality software. The system is capable of registering the movements of a user’s eye and translating them into commands that can be deciphered by a computer. Though the system does not make direct use of augmented reality in the…

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