Intel to release new NFC-enabled “ultrabook” laptops by the end of the year

Intel mobile security software

Technology giant Intel has announced a new line of portable computers called “ultrabooks.” The company has begun feeling pressure from competitor Apple in the laptop market, which has grown in the past few years as more consumers begin to show signs of favoring mobility over anything else. Intel’s ultrabooks are designed to be high-performance machines that are durable and house some of the best features Intel has to offer. Many of these features are quite impressive, but Intel’s most innovative addition to the ultrabooks is an NFC chip that will…

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eAgile and Avery Dennison join forces to promote NFC technology

NFC Technology Business Cards

The NFC industry has become wildly popular with businesses and consumers, but the availability of the technology has been somewhat scarce. Companies like Nokia are working to resolve the issue by developing new smart phones that make use of the technology. eAgile Inc. and Avery Dennison RFID, two companies specializing in RFID products, have teamed to promote NFC technology. The partnership will produce a wide variety of promotional products that businesses will be able to use to make consumers more comfortable with using NFC. NFC technology is easy to use,…

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Nokia unveils first NFC-enabled Bluetooth headset

NFC Bluetooth Headset

Telecommunications companies are beginning to put major efforts behind promoting NFC technology. More companies, including A&T and Google, are pushing for a transition away from traditional commerce to that of mobile commerce powered by NFC-enabled smart phones. Nokia is one of the major investors in the technology, producing a wide variety of smart phones capable of making mobile transactions. While Nokia is hardly alone in their efforts, the company has a trick up its sleeve that may set it apart from its competitors. This week, the company announced plans for…

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Industry shaping NFC Forum updates NFC technology to make it more intuitive

Mobile Sharing

The NFC Forum, a multinational non-profit industry association that promotes the technology and establishes standards within the NFC industry, has announced an update to NFC specifications. The update will allow NFC devices to interact with one another in an active fashion. Current NFC applications rely on an active reader device, such as a smart phone, and a passive device, such as a NFC terminal or mobile wallet. The Forum believes that the update will make the technology much more intuitive than its previous incarnation. To make use of the Forum’s…

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