Large corporations add the mobile channel to marketing strategy

Mobile Marketing

CommerceTel has been making significant advances forward into mobile marketing, joining a large number of other corporations that have made a priority of taking large steps into the use of the channel, including Disney and Toyota Motors. Mobile marketing has already proven itself to be so powerful that some of the top global corporations, such as Nike, chose not to advertise at all in their traditional positions at the Super Bowl in 2012. A recent article in Fortune magazine explained that Nike has placed a significant focus on mobile marketing.…

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Sitomic releases print ad tracking with QR code manager

QR Code Service has announced the launch of its QR Code Manager, which allows businesses to launch several QR code campaigns simultaneously and use them to collect visitor data from a number of different sources, making the successes of print ads much easier to track. Until now, it has been very challenging for marketers to obtain statistics from their print campaigns. However, the use of QR codes has made it far easier to measure the activity generated from those advertisements. The concept is that a unique QR code is created for every…

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U.K. town of Reading to experience QR code and NFC pilot

augmented reality shopping mall

QR codes and NFC technology are now involved in the first British out-of-home (OOH) advertising pilot program that is occurring on a large scale in that country, involving 13 different brands in the entire city of Reading. Kinetic, an OOH media agency, has partnered with Zappit technology provider and JCDecaux in a pilot program of the use of advertising that uses QR codes and NFC technology. They chose the Berkshire county city of Reading because it is among the most tech-savvy populations in the country. Now, the campaign has covered…

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Johnny Rockets’ launches new QR coded marketing campaign

Johnny Rockets QR Code

Restaurant chain Johnny Rockets’ has launched a new marketing campaign that uses QR codes to reach out to tech-savvy consumers. The company has some big plans for using the codes after the campaign has run its course. Johnny Rockets’ is looking to build an online customer database that will help the company distribute discounts and special promotional incentives and information. The database is to be called the Rocket e-Club and will be one of the company’s first major mobile marketing and commerce initiatives. Johnny Rockets’ QR codes are to appear…

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