The augmented reality device was meant to be launched on the heels of this year’s headset. While Apple still plans to unveil a mixed-reality headset in 2023, it will be delaying the AR glasses that were supposed to be a follow-up product launch this year. The postponement of the second gadget is occurring due to technical challenges in its development. The lightweight AR glasses will be delayed in favor of a cheaper version of its mixed reality headset. Apple originally intended to roll them out after its full-featured mixed reality…
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Google Glass shows promise as an mHealth wearable therapy for Autism
Standford Researchers have found that Google’s smartglasses helped improve socialization in Autistic kids. Google Glass could soon be used as an mHealth wearable therapy to improve care management for children on the Autism spectrum. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine found that when the smartglasses were integrated with an AI platform, this digital at-home therapy helped autistic children improve their socialization skills better than standard care. The study found that children using the mHealth platform had significant improvement compared to traditional therapy. The Stanford University School of Medicine study…
Read MoreGoogle Glass returns with an eye on the workplace environment
After disappearing from the public eye for 2 years, the augmented reality glasses are back again. Two years ago, Google Glass essentially disappeared and many people guessed that the augmented reality glasses were done. Despite the fact that Google insisted that they weren’t finished with the internet connected eyewear, doubters were in the majority. The new version of the AR glasses is designed for the workplace to assist people to better do their jobs. There are already over 50 companies using the Google Glass Enterprise Edition as a part of…
Read MoreGoogle Glass may soon be capable of displaying holograms
The smartglasses might be able to show them over the view of the real world in front of the wearer. A patent has now been published by Google for technology that would make it possible for Google Glass wearers to view holograms that are displayed overtop of their vision of the real world. This patents help to provide another level of understanding for the investment the company made into Magic Leap. The tech giant has recently invested in that firm, a augmented reality startup. As it appears as though Google…
Read MoreGoogle Glass wearers could soon be dancing
Recent media reports have said that these augmented reality glasses will soon come with tech to teach dance moves. It may be true that Google Glass was shut down and tossed onto the back burner, not too long ago, but recent reports are suggesting that this wearable technology is far from finished, as it may soon have a new feature available that will teach its users to dance in real time. The AR glasses will soon be bringing a concept similar to “Dance Dance Revolution” to its offerings. The report…
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