Position Marketing Group adds QR codes to its Interactive Secured Advertising Technology banners

Mobile Marketing

The Position Marketing Group (PMG), an interactive and online advertising firm, has announced a new feature for its Interactive Secured Advertising Technology. The company often uses this technology for banners, which are in turn used by businesses for various marketing campaigns. The latest update to the company’s technology will enable businesses to use these banners to promote social media connections. This is accomplished through the use of QR codes. PMG has created its own QR code generator specifically for this new initiative. Social media has become a very popular medium…

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The continuing importance of location to mobile commerce and marketing


According to the latest Mind Commerce Publishing report, entitled “Mobile Location Commerce 2012-2017”, mobile commerce is predicted to achieve a 39 percent compound growth rate from now through until the completion of 2017, as a result of the omnipresence of smartphones and tablet computers. Location-based commerce is forecasted to be one of the primary initiatives that will exist among the mobile environment within the next three years. In fact, location-based services were a key element of the report, and are expected to have an important impact on boosting sales. Geolocation…

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Social Passport seeks to raise the bar on consumer loyalty programs by incorporating QR codes and NFC tags

QR Code Service

Social media and customer loyalty program have enjoyed a favorable union for several years. These customer loyalty programs often come in the form of daily deals and offers to consumers. The idea quickly grew in popularity amongst consumers, but businesses are now questioning its merit as the market becomes over saturated. Indeed, a significant number of businesses are adopting customer loyalty deal schemes, making it difficult to justify the return-on-investment and effectiveness of these programs. As companies question the value of these programs, Social Passport, a real-time social networking company,…

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Mobile discount coupons focus on QR code and social media compatibility

Mobile gaming

Modiv Media has announced their newest product called Modiv Social, which allows consumers to collect discount coupons from any source they’d like, and then use them or share them over social media such as Facebook. This uses a concept that is not at all new, but that has yet to be fully leveraged over the mobile channel. Email marketers have been told that their effectiveness and survival will require the use of social and mobile platform links for some time now, but it wasn’t until mobile couponing arrived that this…

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