Also known as the “selfie phone”, tech experts have already been speculating on specs, ahead of the official reveal. The Nokia Lumia 730 is to be the next smartphone from the brand and as Microsoft prepares for its unveiling, it has already been nicknamed the “selfie phone” because the company has now incorporated a 5MP secondary camera that is designed specifically for people who love to take self shots. It is expected that this new mobile device will have its specs officially revealed for the first time on September 4.…
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NFC technology used by Nokia and LOCATEL
The partnership is bringing the tech to the hotel industry for greater ease of service for customers. Nokia and LOCATEL announced at the Dubai Hotel Show that they will be using NFC technology tags as a new way for guests to be able to both purchase and access hotel services throughout their stays. These tags are meant to appeal to the growing number of hotel guests who travel with enabled smartphones. NFC technology isn’t actually all that new, as it has been in existence for several years, but it is…
Read MoreNokia unveils new augmented reality application called City Lens
New augmented reality app available for Lumia Windows Phones Nokia has launched a new mobile augmented reality application for its Windows Phone-based Lumia 710, 800, and 900. The company has developed the application to meet specific needs of consumers based on feedback that was provided to the Nokia Beta Labs. Augmented reality is quickly becoming a prominent part of the mobile technology world. Consumers have been exposed to augmented reality applications with more frequency recently and have shown a great deal of interest in the technology. This interest has encouraged…
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