Grid: A real-time augmented reality maze from Sahar Fikouhi

Augmented Reality Video

Augmented reality continues to gain momentum in the gaming world. As the technology has grown more advanced, companies specializing in augmented reality, such as Metaio and Qualcomm, have released tools to help intrepid designers build their own AR experiences. Such is the case with Sahar Fikouhi, a computational designer and architect from London, UK. Fikouhi has developed a new game for the iPhone that plunges players into a world of staggering geometry and tasks them with navigating their way through a virtual maze. The game is called Grid and it…

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Augmented reality developer Metaio releases new development tools for free

Augmented Reality Tools

Metaio, a German augmented reality developer, has recently released a sleuth of new software development kits (SDK) that will help users build their own augmented reality experience. The company has emerged as a formidable force in the augmented reality industry in recent years and believes that now is the time for more people to begin adopting the technology. Augmented reality can be a costly technology, however, as the software required to operate it is fairly advanced. Metaio’s new SDK’s are a first for the industry as they are completely free…

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Fledgling Crane 3D aims to make marketing more interactive with augmented reality

Augmented Reality Example

As augmented reality continues to grow in fame around the world, an ambitious new company in the UK is looking to establish itself as a force to be reckoned with in the emerging AR industry. Crane 3D, a fledgling 3D graphics and augmented reality company, aims to change the way consumers experience everyday advertisements by enhancing them with new technology. In marketing, augmented reality is on its way to becoming a major trend. The trend is not likely to fade away any time soon, as more consumers get their hands…

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Layar launches new app to help augmented reality become more consumer friendly

Stiktu Video

Augmented reality can be incredibly complex. So much so, that mobile applications using the technology can be fairly daunting to consumers. Layar, an AR developer based in Amsterdam, is looking to get consumers more comfortable with the technology and has launched a new app that will do just that. The new app, called Stiktu, allows consumers to get hands on experience with augmented reality content and share this content with their friends on any social network. Layar’s initial app, which shares the name of the company, continues to be wildly…

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