The company has released the first look at its Star 1200XLD device, the latest in its AR offerings. Vuzix has been offering augmented reality glasses for some time now – long before some of the larger players, such as Google, entered into play – and now they have just unveiled their very latest offerings of this nature, with the launch of its Star 1200XLD model. This new device offers see through video glasses that are completely digital. According to the company, these state of the art AR glasses come with…
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Vuzix launches augmented reality glasses
Vuzix aims to fill void left by Google’s move away from augmented reality Augmented reality glasses have been getting a lot of hype since the introduction of Google’s Project Glass last year. Project Glass aims to provide people with, quite literally, a new way to see the world around them. When the project was first announced, Google was keen to show off its augmented reality potential. Now, however, Google is beginning to shy away from the prospect of using augmented reality with Project Glass, leaving a significant gap in the…
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