The Galaxy Grand 2 is a larger display has now been added to the brand’s growing lineup. The latest Samsung technology news includes the unveiling of the Galaxy Grand 2, which is a smartphone with a huge 5.25 inch display with 1,280×720 resolution and an aspect ratio of 16:9. The device giant chose this new design to give users a better option for conducting certain activities. For instance, this Samsung technology news gives users the chance to play games, watch movies, and read ebooks with more screen space. Moreover, the…
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Technology news: Galaxy S4 inches closer to release
Samsung Galaxy S4 continues to attract attention on the heels of its predecessor The Samsung Galaxy S III has become one of the most popular smartphones in the world. The device has made technology news headlines and has won acclaim for its use of NFC technology and its comprehensive features that have made it more widely accepted than the iPhone 5. More than 50 million units of the Galaxy S III have sold worldwide as of March 2013, but Samsung is not ready to rest on its laurels in the…
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