A car buyers new best friend!

Auto Data Direct Inc., a Tallahassee based technology company that offers detailed vehicle histories and other information to shoppers, is now testing a new way to deliver their information through use of QR codes. The codes will be affixed to cars and trucks at participating dealerships and shoppers will be able to scan the codes to receive exhaustive auto histories straight to their phones. David Lloyd Charroin, owner of Capital City Imports, believes that QR codes could change the way people shop for new and used vehicles. He is currently…

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QR vs. AR: Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

An Example of Augmented Reality Capabilities with a Wikitude App

QR codes have seen a string of unabashed successes in the U.S. and other nations with relatively no competition. With their ease of use, quick implementation and cost-effectiveness, there seems to be no viable alternative in the mobile technology sector. The main competitor, however, may be laying in wait as QR codes begin to see a growing trend of people shying away from them. Though smart phone usage is expected to make tremendous leaps this year, some are still weary of using scanners to interact with the 2d barcode. While…

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Domino’s QR Code delivered in 2 seconds or it’s free!

QR codes are a strong promotional tool for many businesses the world over. Though they are big in Japan, they are still new and exotic to western societies. That unfamiliarity is part of what draws a crowd to QR codes. They have been seeing use in various industries and are now coming to Domino’s in the United Kingdom as part of their latest campaign. Domino’s has used QR codes before in a promotional flyer during the college football season and had experienced favorable results. This time around, Domino’s will be…

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Big waves being made in code marketing by two industry giants

Marketing and Tech experts believe that 2d barcodes will become sales tools as ubiquitous as Facebook or texting in the near future. As they begin to see more use, familiarity grows and they become integrated with everyday life. Because smart phones are becoming the tool of choice for just about everyone, the use of QR codes is becoming paramount to a business’s ability to compete in the field. “It’s something that adds value without costing customers too much,” said Michelle Beauchamp, assistant professor of marketing at Middle Tennessee State University.…

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Wine entrepreneurs implement QR Code marketing tactics

Example of QR Code on Wine

The Business Journal asked some wine marketers to share their experiences regarding the use of social media… which is related to their recent report entitled “Wineries increase use of smartphone, social media technologies.” Four wine marketers share their tips. For Matteo Fagin of the CT Wine Review, he released his QR Codes on their restaurant menus in order to create a mysterous smartphone event. With the huge success of the event, he says that this QR Code wave will be in common use in his business. Laura from II Palazzone…

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