QR code nail stickers launched for dementia patient tracking

QR codes nail stickers child parent hand

A Japanese city has used quick response codes as a part of a new initiative to care for the elderly. A city in Japan has started to use QR code stickers on residents with dementia. The goal is to give authorities a barcode to scan if those individuals wander off and become lost. The local police, hospitals and other authorities will have the means to scan these barcodes to call up identification information for the lost person. Iruma, a company located north of Tokyo, first developed these tiny unique barcode…

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Wearable technology can be worked into your manicure

wearable technology nail polish nail beds mhealth

A new form of nail polish includes sensors that are designed to function as mhealth reminders. A new form of wearable technology has now been designed to be worn right inside a person’s manicure, complete with sensors that are highly practical for mhealth purposes, such as assisting a smoker in being able to quit, or helping a patient to remember to take his or her medication at the right time. All of this is as convenient to wear as your regular, average manicure with nail polish. Until now, wearable technology…

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