QR codes made from chocolate make a tasty sculpture

Chocolate QR Codes

The London Design Festival provided its own unique nod to the importance of mcommerce. This year marked the 10th annual London Design Festival, and it featured an important recognition of the growing influence of mcommerce through a sculpture that formed QR codes made entirely out of chocolate. The sculpture was the result of a collaborative effort between an international chocolatier and a designer. Hotel Chocolat, an international chocolatier based in the United Kingdom, but that has store locations throughout the U.K, across Europe, and in both Boston and New York,…

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QR codes used to help battle counterfeit products problem

Invisible QR Codes

Fake goods and money are a tremendous struggle for governments worldwide. Invisible QR codes have now been created by researchers in the United States in order to help to combat the large and growing problem of counterfeit goods. These barcodes have already proven highly effective in the marketing industry. This new invisible version of the QR codes can be printed on many different types of materials, ranging from paper to glass, and cannot be seen by the naked eye unless it is exposed to infrared light. The complexity of the…

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QR codes will need to be properly applied or their use will fade out

QR Codes used in mobile marketing campaigns

Though the barcodes had been a growing part of mobile commerce, they must be maintained. Halfway through 2011, the popularity of QR codes suddenly experienced an explosion and they began appearing on everything from product packages to business cards, while consumers scanned them regularly. Now, marketers are using them even more, but inconsistently and without purpose. The more mainstream QR codes become, the less care many companies and brands are taking for their implementation. Without paying attention to the way that these barcodes are used, they are providing consumers with…

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QR codes used by nonprofits for highly interactive mobile marketing campaign

QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Charities work together on cutting edge scavenger hunt Six not for profit organizations are partnering together to use QR codes in order to offer a smartphone friendly mobile marketing campaign that involves a scavenger hunt in Martin County. These barcodes will be posted in Stuart on September 8 from 8:30am to noon. The Smartphone Family Scavenger Hunt is designed around the popular QR codes that are scanned every minute of every day around the country in order to provide easy direction to websites and apps for smartphone and tablet users.…

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