A new marketing study suggests. Whilst many large businesses have been steadily investing in mobile marketing over the last few years, this progression has been much slower with smaller companies. In the study by PB Smart Essentials, it has been suggested that as few as 8% of small and medium enterprises even have a mobile optimised website. A mobile optimised website is a key for encouraging mobile commerce but it appears that smaller businesses are left wondering why (and even how) they should go about creating one. The study aimed…
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Learn from the mobile marketing mistakes of others
Jump ahead by learning from the trial and error that has already been accomplished. Mobile marketing is still very new and can be quite tricky, but there have already been a large number of campaigns – some successes and some failures – that can help a company or a brand to learn how to continually improve its own advertising and promotions, without having to make the same mistakes that have already been suffered by others. QR codes are a prime example of how successes are possible by avoiding repeats of…
Read MoreMobile Website: Optimizing Websites to Work Better on Phones
Make Your Site A Mobile Website One of the hottest discussions these days is about how websites can be designed to deliver optimum performance on mobile phones. To figure this out, you need to know what the differences are between a computers’ OS and that of the smartphones. Knowing these differences would enable you to make useful fixes which in turn would help your websites run smoothly on the addictive and ubiquitous mobile platform. Assessing Phone Performance Knowing how your website works on mobile phones right now will give you…
Read MoreShopping in 2D: QR Barcodes
A QR (Quick Response) barcode is a type of two-dimensional barcode consisting of black square dots arranged on a white square grid. Much like the one-dimensional, or UPC barcode, a QR barcode is also a machine-readable label that stores information about the item to which it is attached. Unlike the standard UPC barcode, however, the QR code allows for bigger data storage and higher-speed readability. It was first designed in 1994 in Japan for the purposes of tracking vehicles during manufacture. In today’s mobile age, QR barcode scanners are made…
Read MoreMobile marketing techniques are starting to be identified for more steady success
Companies and brands are starting to learn the ropes regarding what works and how. Though very few have suggested that mcommerce is already an important channel and that mobile marketing is becoming vital to the success of any business, it isn’t until quite recently that the right strategies have started to become identified to allow efforts in this environment to be successful with some consistency. Almost ten percent of money spent online is now coming from a smartphone or tablet device. Considering the size of that contribution, companies who are…
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