The 2012 most popular strategies still have some companies scratching their heads. The marketing trends in Mobile commerce are whipping forward at such a dramatic pace, that many businesses – large and small – are left wondering how they ever hope to keep up with the pace. But what they should be asking themselves is if they have taken the steps to use the more established techniques. Instead of allowing themselves to become overwhelmed with the vast universe of opportunities presented by m-commerce, businesses should instead look into the most…
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QR codes are a natural complement to mcommerce coupons
Discount programs are highly effective when used in conjunction with quick response barcodes. Though the actual use of coupons isn’t anything new, and even QR codes are reaching the point that they’ve been around long enough to be a part of mainstream mcommerce, what is only just being discovered is how well these two techniques work together. Consumers clearly enjoy receiving offers for discounts, and smartphones only add convenience. Coupons are an opportunity that both merchants and consumers can enjoy and that brings them both benefits. Consumers are able to…
Read MoreVideos and Phone Calls: Best Fit for QR Codes
A fitness company called Weightplan unveiled a pretty cool use for QR Codes today. They call them ‘Gymcodes.’ The idea is simple. They put special QR codes on exercise equipment in gyms—on the dumbbell rack, on the treadmill, on the stair climber—basically on any piece of fitness equipment. Then, when you’re working out, you simply scan the QR code and see videos of how to use the equipment, demonstrations of exercises and messages of encouragement. You see a list of exercises applicable to the equipment and even hi-res photos of…
Read MoreHow to mobile marketing tips for the proper use of QR codes
Using barcodes in advertising for the best results. Learning the right how to mobile marketing tips and tricks can make a big difference in your ability to use quick response codes to their best advantage. As smartphones reach a greater penetration, it is vital for marketers to use scannable barcodes properly. After all, just because QR codes are appearing everywhere, from magazine print ads to product packages, billboards to television commercials, and everything in between, it doesn’t mean that each one of them will produce ideal results. Simply generating a…
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