Samsung smart ring places a focus on sleep data

Smart Ring - Samsung Galaxy Ring - Surpring Features - Image Source - TechTalkTV YouTube

The new Galaxy wearable device was unveiled at the Mobile World Congress before its release. Following a tiny mention at the tail end of the Galaxy S24 event in early February, Samsung officially unveiled its smart ring at the Mobile World Congress (MWC). The latest unveiling went well beyond the brief tease originally announcing the device. Samsung has now made the announcement of its smart ring, a Galaxy device, official.  The gadget will be offered in US ring sizes 5 through 15. That said, on the commercial products, those sizes…

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Samsung rolls out new mobile wallet app to store cards, keys and boarding passes

Mobile wallet app - Samsung phone

This mobile payments option will place the company in direct competition with Google and Apple. Samsung has recently announced the launch of its own mobile wallet app, which makes it possible to store credit cards, digital IDs, car keys and other essential digital documents. This has arrived at a time when Google and Apple have both announced changes to their own. Google recently announced that it would be overhauling its own mobile Wallet app. Apple has announced that its Apple Pay would be receiving a range of new features. Now,…

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