Sony has a plan to help people conserve electricity with the use of NFC technology

Sony wearable tech NFC technology

Sony Alternative Energy

Energy consumption is becoming a significant concern as more people see the cost of their use of electricity rise. The world of energy may be in a state of transition, but continued reliance on fossil-fuels is beginning to become a costly burden for consumers. Alternative energy companies are quick to herald the imminent rise of renewable fuel for commercial use, but consumers have yet to see these claims come to fruition. Acclaimed Japanese technology company Sony may have come up with a way to help people save some money while they wait for alternative energy to save the day.

The company has been showing a keen interest in NFC technology recently – enough interest to begin working on several development projects that could bring the technology to consumers. One of the projects is aimed at helping people eliminate their misuse of energy. It would require consumers to authenticate their use of electricity before being able to draw energy from an outlet. Outlets would be equipped with a simple chip that will determine whether the use of energy is valid.

Such a measure would be used in places where people typically have free access to electricity, such as airports and cafes. Sony believes that this could be used in homes as well as a way to help people conserve electricity. It may also be a good way to promote energy efficient electronics as the chip can be programmed to only allow power to be used by these products.

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