Mobile barcodes to bring discounts to mailers
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has once again launched a temporary postage discount initiative that aims to boost business by encouraging mailers to use QR codes and other such barcodes. The campaign is identical to one that was launched by the USPS last year, which had been successful enough for the postal service to make another attempt. The USPS believes that the campaign will mimic the effects that it had last year by encouraging advertisers to send more mail.
USPS takes note of the popularity of QR codes
QR codes are popular in the marketing world. They have become an effective way to reach out to and engaging consumers who are closely tied to their mobile devices. Though the codes were not originally designed to be used in marketing, they have been a powerful force in the mobile marketing industry for the past two years. Many consumers are still unfamiliar with the codes, but advertisers have been unrelenting in their use of the simple barcodes.
Advertisers can save 2% on packages that incorporate a QR code
The USPS campaign will provide mailers to take advantage of a 2% discount if their packages include a QR code or some other two-dimensional barcode. The campaign will launch in July of this year and run through August. QR codes can be attributed to any kind of mailed material. The campaign is part of the agency’s plan to encouraging advertisers to continue using traditional forms of mail rather than making the switch to the digital world. The USPS believes that direct mail campaigns can be augmented through the use of QR codes.
Physical mail on the decline, USPS believes QR codes may help boost volume
Physical mail volume in the country has been dropping steadily since 2006. In the first three months of 2012, the USPS lost an estimated $3.2 billion in advertising revenue. The agency claims that this is due to poor competition against more accurate forms of mailing and online alternatives. The USPS believes that its QR code campaign can help recover some of the losses the agency has been experiencing in recent months.