The firm has released its latest report regarding email metrics, with a considerable focus on smartphone and tablet use.
Yesmail Interactive has just released a report that is geared toward changing the direction of the attention of mobile marketing companies toward the various elements of their email programs so that they will better reflect the preferences of their customers and adapt to the changing brand interaction patterns.
The report, entitled “Yesmail’s Email Marketing Compass: The Mobile Effect” offers marketers a greater understanding for their campaigns.
The findings of the study, as are available within the Yesmail Interactive report were based on the data gleaned from 5 billion emails that were sent through that firm in the second quarter of this year. The information and trends that it revealed could prove invaluable to the strategies that are used for future mobile marketing campaigns.
There were many key findings with respect to mobile marketing, in this report.
Mobile marketing is enormous and is rapidly growing. This came as no surprise, but it did provide the foundation for looking more deeply into the channel to understand the actual context of its significance. The report also looked into the extent of the proportion of mobile in behaviors relating to mobile and the way in which it defines conversion. It found that at the time that it was conducted, a tremendous 61 percent of consumers were either using both mobile and desktop devices interchangeably to view their emails, or were using smartphones and tablets exclusively.
They also determined that mobile marketing over email is not simply a phenomenon, but should now be considered a major, mainstream consumer brand interaction behavior. The report also pointed out that as smartphones and tablets progress toward dominance in the area of email viewership, it is continuing to leave many marketers completely baffled. The considerable difference between the click-to-open rates between mobile and desktop makes it clear that there is a considerable disconnect between what is offered to consumers who use their desktops and those who use their smartphones and tablets for their emails.
Other key points include that:
• 61 percent of active users either use their desktops and mobiles interchangeably for viewing emails or use their smartphones and tablets exclusively for that purpose
• 49 percent of all emails are opened on a smartphone or tablet.
• Across all industries, the average mobile marketing email click to open rate is 100 percent higher over desktop than over email.
• One in three consumers use their various connected devices interchangeably without specific preference to one over the other.
• 82 percent of mobile activity stems from Apple devices. This helps to explain why many mobile marketing campaigns and apps are developed with iOS in mind, or start with that platform before expanding to Android and others.