A survey has revealed that one third of marketers intend to spend 75 percent more.
Warc has now conducted a new survey in the Asia Pacific region on behalf of the Mobile Marketing Association that has shown that 90 percent of marketers in that area are expecting that they will be increasing their budgets for advertising and promoting over smartphones and tablets.
In fact, among them, the majority will be adding a considerable amount of money to their budgets.
Among the participants in the mobile marketing survey, 34 percent believe that their budget increases will be up to 75 percent. According to the speculations from the MMA, the rise is greatly attributed to mobile brands seeking to take advantage of what is rapidly becoming one of the most preferred consumer channels.
Currently, mobile marketing makes up only a tiny percentage of the complete budget.
Most companies that don’t have formal mobile marketing strategies in place, according to the findings of the survey, and under 10 percent of their budgets are currently designated for advertising and promoting over smartphones and tablets.
There were 336 client side advertisers and marketing services agencies that participated in the survey. They were based in various locations throughout the Asia Pacific region. What their responses to the mobile marketing study showed was that over the next twelve months, mobile display ads and app development will begin playing a considerably larger role in overall campaigns.
Although 33 percent of the individuals who are surveyed intend to apply SMS mobile marketing within the fiscal year of 2013 to 2014, that method of advertising is expected to plummet in its use in the near future, with only 11 percent of the survey participants planning to continue to use it after five years from now.
According to Rohit Dadwal, the managing director of the Mobile Marketing Association for the Asia Pacific region, “Over the last six months since the first iteration of the survey, we are seeing a shift in attitude away from tapping mobile execution tactically to a more strategic imperative.” Dadwal added that “We expect to see substantial growth in budget allocations as mobile becomes a key part of the overall marketing mix.”