PayPal launches new Singapore mobile shopping pilot program in subway stations

Paypal QR Code Mall

PayPal has announced the launch of a new pilot program that it has placed in subway stations in Singapore, which is designed to allow commuters to use their mobile devices to make purchases while they’re on their way to or from school and work. The program involves the participation of eight different stores which are offering mobile consumers passing through the subway stations the opportunity to take advantage of reduced prices on Valentine’s Day gifts. In order to make a purchase, mobile consumers simply need to use their smartphones to…

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QR stores make an appearance at German train stations

German Train Stations

QR coded stores have begun appearing in Germany. The stores are akin to those that had once been seen at train stations in South Korea, brought to the country by British retail giant Tesco. The German stores are a product of Budnikowsky, a popular drugstore, and have also been showing up at train stations throughout the country. Indeed, Budnikowsky derived inspiration for the stores from Tesco, who have seen relative success with their venture. The company hopes that QR stores will take root in Germany. The stores feature a wide…

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