Though there are many different mobile marketing techniques being used throughout Asia, from games to apps, it is SMS that is reaching virtually every person with a cell phone, regardless of the model. Some experts are starting to think that brands in the west can learn from this lesson when they launch their Asian mobile marketing campaigns. For example, director of international media Gavin Mehrotra, from Coca Cola Company stated at the MMA Forum in Singapore,that the top priority for mobile at Coca Cola is SMS, as its reception from…
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SMS marketing tactics taken to the next level
Research analysts say texting is a unique marketing avenue because of its wide reach and simplicity. Merchants should personalize marketed text messages, but also follow good practices and send a lot of what could be considered spam. Enlisting the help of a vendor would be best, due to laws regarding spam, but past that it is pretty straight forward. According to a wireless industry trade group, more than 3.5 billion texts are sent and received every day. More than 97 percent of text or SMS marketing messages are opened; of…
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