Study finds over half of consumers use retail mobile apps when shopping in-store

retail mobile apps - woman on mobile phone

Consumers are using their mobile devices to enhance their in-store shopping experiences. A new study from Yes Marketing has found that 57% of consumers surveyed used retail mobile apps while shopping in-store. Consumers used the retailer’s app to locate items that were on sale, to redeem coupons, etc. The results of the study suggest that retailers need to focus on delivering a multichannel experience to consumers. According to Yes Marketing, the discovery made in its “Surviving the Retail Apocalypse” report indicates that the industry has reached a tipping point in…

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Retail mobile apps have moved ahead of e-commerce sites

retail mobile apps shopping

As consumers use their smartphones for a growing number of tasks, retailers are being advised to keep up. As m-commerce reaches an explosive growth rate, retail mobile apps are becoming increasingly important to consumers as they shop. In fact, this trend is becoming important enough that retailer are now being cautioned that if they don’t start offering the right tools to attract and keep shoppers over their smartphones, they will already be losing out. Due to a growing number of analytics reports, it has become generally accepted that more traffic…

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