QR codes may be doing more harm than good to small businesses

Small Business Mobile Marketing

When it comes to small business, QR codes are often seen as a valuable marketing tool. Given the versatility of the codes, this notion is often correct, but there is another side to the coin that goes almost universally unacknowledged. Chris Smith of KeyRelevence, a prominent SEO and marketing firm based in Dallas, Texas, says that using the codes to boost business is a double edged sword. While awareness of the codes is certainly spreading throughout the nation, the majority of consumers are still unfamiliar with them. Smith says that…

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Mobile commerce immersion taking place NOW!

Social Media Marketing

Society has gone mobile loco. With mobile technology surging, and more high-tech marketing methods aimed at mobile users, it’s no wonder that over 80 percent of the nation’s population has a cell phone. It isn’t just for tweens and teens; adult usage of mobile applications, web surfing and comparison shopping has increased 20 to 30 percent in age groups 35 through 60years old. Technology for mobile devices is advancing at such an incredible rate it’s unbelievable. It has almost gotten to the point that the technology has out run the…

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Common mistakes made with QR Code campaigns

QR codes are becoming more popular all over the world. Once thought to be a tool for businesses, they are now being used by several non-profit and governmental organizations as a means of promoting their message. They have been used successfully in a number of initiatives to raise awareness on environmental and health issues as well as well as a means of offering public transit information. While they have been something of a phenomenon, the codes are only as good as the content they are linked to. Something that the…

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