A survey has shown that tablets are providing a much more pleasant experience than phones.
According to the results of a recent American t-commerce survey, 30 percent of U.S. tablet owners have bought a product or service on their device, when compared with a much smaller 13 percent of smartphone users.
This finding suggests that the tablet experience is more appealing to consumers than that on a smartphone.
T-commerce currently holds a much larger share of the overall mobile commerce total than shopping over smartphones. The Forrester report suggests that this is because the experience is more comparable to a PC, due to the larger screens, and is therefore more conducive to shopping online.
The report didn’t include data regarding the transactions made over t-commerce for its projections.
What was projected, however, was that outside of t-commerce, smartphone shopping is expected to more than double from its forecast of $12 billion, this year, to become $27 billion by 2016. Though this does appear to be a very rapid growth rate, at the same time, mobile retail as a whole will maintain a very small share of the total American online sales. Over the next three years, it is projected to grow from this year’s 5 percent to 8 percent in three years’ time.
The report made some speculations regarding what is holding back the shopping over smartphones, particularly when t-commerce appears to be doing considerably better. Among them were primarily that many websites are still not optimized for the smaller screens, which makes them very difficult to use. Moreover, network connections are often quite patchy and this can lead to withered conversion rates.
The average mobile site has a conversion rate of only 1 percent. This is miniscule next to the PC’s average conversion rate of between 2 and 3 percent. In the case of both t-commerce and smartphone shopping, the devices are being used primarily for performing research for purchasing, instead of actually doing the buying itself.
T-commerce and mobile shopping often mean that a consumer is looking at product details, reading customer reviews, looking for the nearest store, or learning its hours.