How to Save Money for a Family Holiday

ways to save money for your holiday travel

While planning a family holiday, it can be tempting to throw all caution to the wind and jump into your overdraft in order to pay for it.  However, this is rarely a good option.  When you save for a family holiday and book it in a financially-friendly way, you’ll be able to spend your time away feeling relaxed, not restless with worry about how you’re going to afford everything.  Below are a few tips that will help you save money for your family holiday. 1. Look At Ways to Cut…

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How To Keep Your Data Safe Whilst Shopping Online (Updated for 2020!)

Data Safe While Shopping Online

If you’re an avid eCommerce user, who prefers to buy online than going to physical stores, then chances that you’ve encountered banners asking about your data, cookies and more, are pretty high. Did you know that, when browsing a site, you’re completely entitled to keep your personal data for yourself? If you’re tired of receiving marketing emails for which you didn’t sign up, or you don’t want to be targeted with paid social ads anymore, these are some tips for your data safety, when buying online.  Number 1: Only Shop…

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How to Keep your Data Safe Whilst Travelling

Data Safe While Traveling

Traveling the world has never been easier. In your back pocket you have access to all the information you could possibly need regarding flights, hotels, taxis and restaurants. Previously you would have left your technology at home when you traveled — perhaps just taking a camera to capture memorable moments — but now, technology takes pride of place on our packing lists. When traveling, what you normally need is your phone, charging cable, a portable charger, your tablet to watch movies, your laptop in case work emails come in, and…

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Alipay app for tourists: foreign visitors in China can now use popular mobile payments

Alipay app for tourists - Shanghai

Alipay and WeChat pay are widely used in China and now travelers to the country can use them, too. Taking a trip to mainland China? You might be glad to know that there is a WeChat pay and Alipay app for tourists now available. Alibaba and WeChat announced that travelers to the country will be able to link their international cards to their payment apps. This move will make it more convenient for tourists to buy goods in China. Prior to the roll out of these mobile payment options for…

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5 Tech Hacks For Orlando Travelers

tech travel tips

If you were asked to talk about your fantasy family holiday, it might feature terrific theme parks, awesome accommodation, year-round sunshine, classy cuisine and countless cultural attractions. Orlando, Florida offers holidaymakers from across the globe all of the above and more – plus, great transport provision means it’s an excellent base from which to explore the rest of the US and further afield. If you’re headed to Orlando for an outstanding vacay, there are a few apps and websites which will make your trip even more terrific. So without further…

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