Telegram messaging app now offers free voice message transcription

Messaging app - Person using voice technology on phone

The application is opening the feature that was previously available only to premium subscribers.

The telegram messaging app just underwent a substantial upgrade on both Android and iOS, providing non-paying users with new services previously available only to premium users, while adding new features for everyone.

One of the additions included in the upgrade was a way to make it easier to find great new channels.

The new features to the messaging app were announced in Telegram’s latest blog post. It said that the voice-to-text transcription service popular among premium users would become available to non-paying users to a certain extent. Everyone can now transcribe voice and video messages or translate audio into another language. That said, while non-paying users can use this service, they can do so only up to twice per week.

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Beyond opening up the transcription service to all users, Telegram also brought in some new features to help sweeten the deal even further. Among them is that the app will now start suggesting similar channels to make it easier for users to stumble upon other channels of interest to them.

The messaging app will also make it easier to repost stories from friends and favorite channels.

Two taps make it easier for Telegram users to be able to repost friend and channel stories to the user’s own page. Moreover, they can add their own text, audio or video comments to add context, insight or interest to the post. To take advantage of that new feature, users simply need to use the share arrow and select the “Repost Story” option. That said, the only stories that can be reposted are those that are visible to everyone. To keep stories private, there is a visibility setting that can be used separately on a post.

Channels that allow posting stories will be able to obtain insights on the performance of their posted stories, seeing the number of views, reactions and shares, supported by graphs to make the data easier to understand. Admins will be able to use an enhanced new messaging app interface in order to be able to manage reactions.

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