What You Should Be Looking Out for in Search Engines

Search engines have been in existence for a long time and they’ve become an integral part of modern day life. However, it’s important to stay aware of what’s going on in search engines and how best to optimize your website in order to get the desired results. It is important that you utilize the various features that come with search engines such as their autocomplete, spellcheck, and autonumbers. You should also be looking into alternative search engines such as Yahoo! or DuckDuckGo that provide better results than Google when it…

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European Union intends to legislate for universal phone charger

EU Flag - EU wants universal phone charger

Despite Apple’s complaints about the move, the EU intends to move forward with the requirement. At the end of last week, the European Union presented a legislative proposal that would require smartphones, tablets and headphones to all require a universal phone charger. This move is likely to have the largest impact on Apple, which is notorious for its proprietary cables. The iPhone is the smartphone most commonly associated with a proprietary charger, while rival devices typically use one of two different cable types at the moment. Most Android-based phones charge…

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