Indie rock band Burning Shapes the first to release an entire album through QR codes

Burning Shapes Video

Innovation counts for a lot in the music industry. Performers are constantly fighting to eke out some kind of uniqueness in a field that is rife with like-minded creatives. In bygone years, artists formed rambunctious and audacious personas to stand out from amongst their peers. Now, however, mobile technology could serve this purpose far better. There can be no doubt that society is becoming increasingly enthralled by mobile technology, and that presents artists with a prime opportunity to do something that few have done before.

Burning Shapes, an indie rock band from the UK, is the first band ever to release an album entirely through the use of QR codes. The band’s debut album will be released in four stages from now until October, when the album is set for an official launch. Each stage will have its own set of QR codes which, when scanned by a smart phone, allow users to download their songs. Initially, the band had intended to only use the codes for their posters and flyers, but decided use them for their album release after seeing how quickly the codes could distribute information.

QR codes have been gaining popularity in the music industry, particularly amongst small groups and record labels. The codes are an inexpensive form of promotion that allows groups with limited resources the means to, essentially, market themselves.

The band is keeping the name of their album under wraps as a surprise for fans who first scan the codes.

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