Despite this fact, it has also grown its strength and its performance is still better than other sites. According to Keynote Systems, even though Sports Authority’s mobile commerce website has gained a great deal of weight, its home page still loads at an average of 9.45 seconds, which is not ideal but it is still superior to other sites on the index. Keynote feels that the retailer could still achieve far better performance if its homepage shed some weight. According to the company behind the Keynote Systems Mobile Commerce Index,…
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M-commerce website from Sports Authority drops the ball
The site performance for smartphones and tablets has fallen short through slow loading times. Keynote Systems has just released their latest m-commerce report, which has described the performance of the Sports Authority optimized website as being “unacceptable”. Much of this rating was based on the poor load time of the site’s home page, which has notably increased. According to the Keynote Mobile Commerce Performance Index, the average load time of the Sports Authority Inc’s m-commerce home page grew by a considerable 3.62 seconds during the week that ended on January…
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