Fox uses massive QR code campaign to promote its new movie “Chronicle”

QR Code on Billboard

Fox has used a QR code billboard promotion to reach the NFL playoff game audience in order to spread the word about the upcoming release of its found footage style horror film called “Chronicle” which will open on February 3. The production company is hoping to appeal to tech-savvy viewers watching the wildcard game between the Atlanta Falcons and the New York Giants, by airing a five second-long “billboard” clip of a QR code. Viewers who have smartphones and tablets and who have downloaded a QR code scanner app can…

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eBay announces the first British QR code shopping environment and its new Christmas boutique

eBay mobile payments

eBay has just announced the latest of its mobile-related services, taking advantage of the rapidly increasing popularity of QR codes, which are now becoming highly familiar with their appearance on everything from clothing, food products, electronics, beauty products, and even tombstones. The largest online marketplace in the world will now also be using these codes to help with the Christmas shopping experience throughout the holiday season, in order to help consumers to purchase the gifts and other items they want to give or to keep for themselves. They will be…

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