Paying for expenses when traveling by way of a credit card is the most convenient means of payment. But it is also risky. If yourcredit card has been compromised, you may lose a lot of money due to fraud. There are a few measures you can take to prevent credit card fraud. We will review some of the tips below. This will ensure that your credit cards are safe. You will also enjoy the convenience and peace of mind during travel if your credit cards remain safe. Here are some…
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Report shows mobile payments open consumers to fraud risk
According to study results from Gartner research company, Neural Technologies, and others, mobile payments will expose consumers to a significant risk of fraud. That said, mobile payment remains among the most rapidly growing and exciting new technological developments, and it is expected to take off in the very near future. In fact, according to the predictions of Gartner, by 2014, the worldwide value of mobile payment services will be $245 billion. However, along with the growth of the use of the service, the risk of fraud will also rise. It…
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