With the increasing popularity of QR codes has come a great deal of experimentation with the various ways in which they can be used, and this has inspired designers and artists to present the barcodes in new and innovative ways. For example, artist and designer Frank Haase has drawn a great deal of attention to himself with his QR coded shoes prototype. They have been designed with a QR code carved right into their soles, so that when the wearer steps from a wet surface to a dry one, the…
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Artist Frank Haase creates QR coded shoes prototype
As QR codes continue to grow more popular, companies are experimenting with innovative ways to use them. The innovation may come from people instead of companies, however, especially as more artists get their hands on the codes. Frank Haase, an artist and designer, has made a prototype pair of QR coded shoes. The idea is simple enough but could have major implications on marketing campaigns and may be a good tool for those looking to brand themselves. The shoes feature a QR code carved into their sole. The idea is…
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