Though there are many different mobile marketing techniques being used throughout Asia, from games to apps, it is SMS that is reaching virtually every person with a cell phone, regardless of the model. Some experts are starting to think that brands in the west can learn from this lesson when they launch their Asian mobile marketing campaigns. For example, director of international media Gavin Mehrotra, from Coca Cola Company stated at the MMA Forum in Singapore,that the top priority for mobile at Coca Cola is SMS, as its reception from…
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SMS marketing campaign tips
Many businesses are looking into SMS or text message marketing as an avenue for their mobile marketing campaigns. Did you know that even an individual can set up an SMS campaign? Text messaging can be used for more than just business advertising. Texting can be used for charities, social change, education or support for a cause. Before starting a texting campaign you should have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and who your target audience will be. If it’s a big campaign, you should look at your…
Read MoreSumotext releases top tips to sms marketing
Sumotext Corporation, a leading provider of short code SMS gateway applications, has revealed their article “Top 10 Attributes of a Successful SMS Marketing Campaign” has been included in Mobile Marketer’s yearly production of “Classic Guide to Mobile Creative.” Sumotext is the leading platform to control SMS marketing through short codes. Their self-service platform is trusted by leading companies, agencies and non-profits. They primarily support and enhance a self-serve platform that their client’s can access online and control SMS marketing and SMS giving programs via short codes. Timothy Miller, the President…
Read MoreCoke looking for loyality with new SMS marketing campaign
By now just about every business owner should know that mobile marketing is big. Maybe even so big, if not done right, it could break a company. Yea, you read it right…if it wasn’t big, why are so many big name companies using it? Coca-Cola, one of the biggest around, is going to increase their mobile marketing campaign again; this time developing a multi-tiered mobile approach to getting the customer and keeping their interest, and loyalty, long-term. Numerous studies, survey’s and research reports have been done regarding mobile marketing, and they all…
Read MoreA mobile marketing responsibility in security grows among industry professionals
There has been a lot of news about mobile technology lately. The big push for a mobile payments system and NFC technology has been an issue for months now. But, while we look at all the great things that mobile technology can do for us, we must also look at the increasing rise in mobile spam, viruses and other fraudulent activity. One of the main concerns among all mobile users has been security. Several companies have been addressing this issue with research into developing an adequate security system for mobile…
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