These new products for cats and dogs are not only high tech but are based on jewelry designs.
Posh Pet ID, a cat and dog products company, has just unveiled its latest pet collar charm, which features QR codes that are worked into its unique jewelry designs.
These new products are meant to allow animal owners to keep their pets looking stylish while being safe.
Owners of dogs and cats alike now have a new and stylish option to keep their beloved pets safe without having to sacrifice their appearance. Posh Pet ID has launched a new type of product that is meant to be an alternative or a complement to a tracking chip device implant. These high tech ID tags feature QR codes that can be scanned using smartphones and any barcode scanning app in order to provide information about the animal’s owner so that the pet can be returned home in case it should ever be lost.
Each of the collars have their own QR codes on tags, in addition to a stylish charm.
Along with the QR codes, the tags say “Help me, I’m lost” on the reverse, along with brief instructions to scan the barcode. In addition to the scannable element, the tags also have a laser printed URL that allows someone without a smartphone to be able to type the address into a browser to view the owner’s information page in a more traditional way. The front of the tag also includes the name of the pet.
There are four different font choices available to go along with the QR codes – Comic Sans, Garamond, Herculanum, and Monotype – and they can be selected in either small or large sizes. The tags are available in a number of different shape options and can be chosen in brass or stainless steel metals.
The larger tags are idea for pets of a medium or large size, while the smaller tags are appropriate for smaller dogs or for cats. Aside from the QR codes, the charm add-ons have been inspired by popular designs of jewelry and offer a choice from among 36 different styles.