Facebook’s mobile marketing powers skyrocket as their search capabilities rival Google

Mobile Commerce

Mobile Commerce

Facebook is focused on a social search framework that could redefine mobile marketing and monetizing.

Facebook has set its sights on a new way to accomplish mobile marketing in order to monetize the channel, by creating a social search framework which will form an entirely new source of value and revenue that will leave current estimates about the future of mobile behind.

The financial success it intends to achieve through its efforts will, however, be at the expense of Amazon and Google, should it be successful. Amazon is at risk because its existence is based on the recommendations and preferences of its users, but does not include the tremendously effective personal sharing element that is at the heart of Facebook. Equally, the dominance of Google search could be shaky because it is built on a foundation of link prevalence online as opposed to the personal nature of a link’s relevance at Facebook.

Facebook’s power is in its unique angle toward relevance. However, for it to be able to be truly successful over the competition, it will be required to draw over 1 million paying advertisers in order to take part in its new ad platform, which will be primarily focused on mobile marketing.

Almost half of the 850 million Facebook users access it over mobile devices.

It is predicted that by next year, there will be more people using the internet with their mobile devices – such as tablets, smartphones, and other devices such as some iPods and game consoles – than there will be people who use the internet over desktop and laptop computers.

If these devices are to be the preferred platforms, then Facebook and Google will be hard at work to make sure that they are ready for the mobile marketing demands of today’s and tomorrow’s advertisers.

The “likes” and sharing feature at Facebook is the very core of its competitive edge. When this is combined with the personalized information it has about its users and their friends, it is far more potent than the currently dominant Google. Until now, though, Facebook has fallen behind with link-based search. Soon, though, their concierge service will use mobile marketing to connect its users to the items that are of specific interest to them, instead of generalized offerings that don’t have much to do with them.


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