Will the addiction to social media and all things digital continue long into the future?

Social Media Marketing

Following a report by Gartner in August 2011 called “Consumer Fatigue with Social Media”, many marketers have been wondering whether or not the digital addiction is the trend that it appears to be, whether it is actually a fad that is on its way out. This has been highlighted by the stories popping up all over the media that have indicated that millions of people have been deactivating their email accounts due to the commercialization, privacy concerns, boredom with the concept, or the lack of interest in sharing everything they…

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To succeed with social media marketing, you must learn to empathize

Social Media Marketing

Social media is being used by virtually everyone these days, and marketers from around the world are scrambling to determine how to best take advantage of everything that it has to offer. One of the primary points that seems to have obtained universal approval is that the key to success with social media is empathy. This is because social media is different from other methods of communicating with consumers as the power belongs to the audience as opposed to the speaker. You need to provide the consumer with a reason…

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Businesses in Australia prefer email regardless of appeal of Facebook, Twitter, and SMS

Australia Social Media Marketing

A top email and cross-channel marketing solutions company based in Australia, Responsys Inc., has announced the outcome of their second yearly Big Australian Report, which is the biggest study to examine the digital marketing behaviors of Australian corporations. This year’s Big Australian Report indicated that there was a notable increase in the number of marketing messages being sent to Australians. For instance, companies in that country were sending ten times more social messages, three times more mobile messages, and one third as many emails within the previous fiscal year when…

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The top rules for effective social marketing

Social Network Marketing

Social marketing is a vital part of any business or brand’s marketing mix, and it is important that execs and marketers alike recognize the top rules for keeping up with the latest and make sure that marketing efforts are as effective as possible. To execute a marketing strategy with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other top social media networks, there are six rules that should be acknowledged: • The social media sandbox is growing – Though Facebook continues its rein over the social media marketplace, there are a number of other…

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