ABI Research report suggests NFC technology will have a major impact on retail marketing

Mobile Payments question confusion

Near Field Communication may be becoming a big deal in commerce, but the technology is still suffering from lack of consumer awareness. ABI Research, a market research firm, has released a new report concerning the status of NFC technology, noting its growth in certain markets. According to the report, the technology may not see the most success in commerce. Instead, NFC may have the most profound impact on mobile retail marketing. For marketers, the technology has yet to show any real attraction when compared to QR codes. The report suggests…

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Intel Corporation joins the NFC Forum as a Sponsor

Intel mobile security software

The Intel Corporation – a global leader in computing innovation – has joined the NFC Forum, which is a not-for-profit industry association that is dedicated to progressing the adoption of near field communication technology. According to the NFC Forum, the Intel Corporation has increased his position to the Sponsor level from its previous position as a Principal. Membership as a Sponsor is the highest possible category at the NFC Forum, and it provides such benefits as a seat on the Board of Directors for the forum, which is responsible for…

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Nokia launches new promotional campaign in the UAE to raise awareness of NFC technology

Nokia NFC mobile technology

Nokia has announced the launch of a new campaign that seeks to promote NFC technology in the United Arab Emirates. Mobile commerce has been growing in popularity in the region of late as more smart phones find their ways into the hands of consumers. Nokia has been working to establish itself as one of the major players in the emerging industry, especially overseas, and hopes to get consumers in the UAE more familiar with the way NFC technology works. For the campaign, owners of Nokia’s N9 smart phone will be…

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eAgile and Avery Dennison join forces to promote NFC technology

NFC Technology Business Cards

The NFC industry has become wildly popular with businesses and consumers, but the availability of the technology has been somewhat scarce. Companies like Nokia are working to resolve the issue by developing new smart phones that make use of the technology. eAgile Inc. and Avery Dennison RFID, two companies specializing in RFID products, have teamed to promote NFC technology. The partnership will produce a wide variety of promotional products that businesses will be able to use to make consumers more comfortable with using NFC. NFC technology is easy to use,…

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How Apple may give NFC the boost it needs in 2012

NFC Technology Mobile Payments Infrastructure

Although there is a tremendous amount of talk about smartphones that are enabled with near field communication (NFC), the actual market for the technology remains quite small. However, this is expected to change in 2012, if iPhone and Windows Phone 7 devices by Apple and Microsoft are released equipped with NFC technology. Some experts, such as those at Digitimes – which is predicting that those two manufacturers will be joining with Android, Blackberry, Symbian, and Bada in the NFC environment – have announced that after discussing the topic with smartphone…

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