Mobile commerce is clearly on its way up

Mobile Commerce News

A recent Digital Marketer post provided an analysis of the latest stats. Marketing industry online leader, Digital Marketer, has just published a post from Josh Loposer, its managing editor, which looked more deeply into the latest knowledge regarding the upward trend of mobile commerce. The heart of the publication was that businesses that optimize for smartphones are given an advantage. Loposer explained this claim by showing that as such a large number of browsers are operating from smartphones nowadays, businesses that make sure that their websites are mobile commerce friendly…

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Brick and mortar businesses never close with mobile commerce tools


Mobile commerce tools for small business owners. As an ever growing number of consumers are using their mobile devices as a regular part of their shopping experience, brick and mortar businesses are beginning to discover that they will need a mobile optimized website in order to survive, and has now unveiled its latest tool to provide businesses with precisely that capability. The tool was created by Andrew Burton and Kyle Keske, both of It was designed to allow mobile landing pages to be quickly and easily created by…

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A mobile consumer needs optimized search and navigation from a site

Mobile Marketing

There are many decisions to make and metrics to monitor when attempting to design an effective, positive, and engaging mobile experience, such as whether a mobile site should be created, or whether a feature-rich mobile app will be more appealing and will encourage greater results. What many marketers fail to do, and the step that can have some of the largest impact on making the right choices, is to take a step back and ensure that the very basics are covered first, before trying to move ahead and get fancy.…

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Adobe ceases efforts for mobile Flash


In a serious mobile battle that began back in 2007 when the iPhone was first launched and Steve Jobs announced that Flash could not be rendered on mobile devices due to the energy drain it causes to batteries, Adobe has finally admitted defeat and has stopped trying to pursue a mobile version of Flash. This announcement was made quietly and subtly on a blog post at Adobe. It equally announced that it will be directing its mobile focus on HTML5, instead. HTML5 is the cutting edge web programming language which…

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M-commerce sites slow down with too much information and too many features

Mobile Commerce Website Optimization

After having made dramatic changes to its mobile website, Bloomingdales failed to experience the positive results that it was seeking. The problem was found to be the amount of content that was available on the site. The issue is that the greater the amount of content that is added to a mobile site, and the larger the number of features it offers, the slower that page will load on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Since the Bloomingdales site included a great deal of content and features…

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