The system spots blood flow in the pixels of a video or image to determine whether or not it is real. Intel’s FakeCatcher deepfake detector has achieved a 96 percent accuracy rate in real time by using blood flow in the pixels of an image or video to determine if it is real. Skillfully and believably altered video and images are now all over the internet. Deepfake videos and images are synthetic media that alters a person’s face, voice, or both in order to generate an entirely new falsified image…
Read MoreTag: internet security
One third of consumers would like to “delete themselves” for better cybersecurity
Recent survey says that people would prefer to be able to entirely wipe out their internet presence. A recent survey commissioned by VPN provider NordVPN has shown that one in three people across 11 countries would like to be able to entirely remove their online presence in the name of cybersecurity if they were able to do so. The survey involved the participation of 10,800 internet users from among 11 different countries. The survey found out that a large number of consumers would prefer to be able to boost their…
Read MoreMobile security battle launched by tech giants against Big Brother
The technology industry is enraged about the surveillance from the NSA that was recently revealed. The New York Times has recently reported that the giants of the tech environment, such as Google, are now spending millions to enhance their online and mobile security internal data encryption in order to help to keep the National Security Agency (NSA) from being able to hack “their systems without their knowledge or cooperation”. This is only one of many reports since June, regarding the spying that the NSA has been doing. The American government…
Read MoreCryptomathic creates mobile wallet application that uses cloud computing as a security measure
In the world of mobile commerce, security is a serious issue. Many companies have begun investing and creating mobile applications that make mobile commerce possible. None, however, have been able to make an application that is adequately secure from hacking. Even acclaimed technology company Google has failed to provide a resilient service. Cryptomathic, an electronic security firm, now claims that is has created the first secure mobile wallet platform. The company recently released the application to consumers worldwide. The application, called Cloud Wallet, uses cloud computing as a way to…
Read MoreResearchers create technology that can turn a credit card on and off
With news of Google Wallet not being as safe as it should have been, many consumers are expressing concern over adopting mobile commerce. While telecommunications and technology companies are quick to assure consumers that mobile payment applications will be safe in the future, financial institutions are taking these concerns quite seriously. Many credit companies are working to move away from traditional magnetic strips for their payment cards. In an attempt to modernize commerce, these institutions are beginning to adopt NFC technology. They are also looking to researchers from the Pittsburgh…
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