Microsoft to purchase Activision Blizzard in $70 billion cash acquisition

Microsoft to acquire Activision Blizzard

The tech giant says that it intends to purchase the struggling video game company due to the metaverse. Microsoft has announced its intentions to purchase the massive but troubled Activision Blizzard video game company for almost $70 billion. This will represent the largest deal ever at a time when people will be spending more time in the digital universe. In its Activision Blizzard purchase, Microsoft is betting that people will be spending a great deal more time in the digital world also known as the metaverse. This massive acquisition was…

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Gamescom: Sony unveils three new augmented reality games during gaming convention.

gamescom 2012

One of the gaming world’s most prestigious events has arrived. Gamescom began early this week in Cologne, Germany, and drew in thousands of avid gamers from around the world. This year, developers have been hard at work creating the next generation of games and have succeeded in generating a massive amount of hype around their new products. At the convention, developers will be unveiling new information regarding their games as well as exclusive demonstrations of gameplay footage that has never been seen anywhere else. Sony is eager to show off…

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Gaming advertisment linked to unique content is a Win, Win!!

Marketers are always on the lookout for new mediums through which to reach consumers. The gaming community has long been a target for advertisers hoping to take advantage of an inherently interactive environment. Advertisements in games have generally gone unnoticed, usually written off as part of the backgrounds. Marketers are now aiming to make these advertisements more interactive by using QR codes. Lynx, known as AXE in the U.S., is the first British company to launch and in-game marketing campaign that will be targeting the gaming community. The codes will…

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