Wearable technology will notably increase data usage by 2018

wearable technology watch

A new report from Cisco has pointed out that mobile networks will experience increased strain from wearables. Cisco has now released its “Visual Networking Index (VNI) Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast 2013-2018” report, which has included a number of predictions as to the impact that wearable technology will have on the mobile networks. The firm has forecasted that by 2018, there will be 177 million wearables that will be connected to networks. That will be a tremendous rise from the 22 million wearable technology gadgets that were tallied last year.…

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Google Glass is taking off more rapidly in mobile health

google glass wearable technology

These augmented reality glasses are quickly taking on a heightened role in medicine and healthcare. As much as the users of Google Glass has received a considerable amount of scorn from the general population, it has managed to gain a considerable amount of respect in the medicine and health field, and is playing a growing role in healthcare. A number of healthcare products were released for this augmented reality headset. This was a timely release for Google Glass, as the technology giant is also expected to launch its Google Fit…

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Google begins testing new feature for its augmented reality glasses

Google glass augmented reality glasses wearable technology

AR glasses can be controlled with a simple glance Google has been testing a new feature for its augmented reality glasses. The hype around Google Glass has begun to dissipate somewhat, but Google has been introducing new features to Glass on a regular basis. The company has yet to announce any official release date for its AR glasses, but there are several hundred of these products currently being used by developers and those in the tech industry. Google has been working on introducing new features that highlight convenience over novelty…

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Wearable tech presents growing amount of Google Glass competition

ChipSip SiMEye Smart Glasses wearable technology

The latest to rival the giant’s augmented reality headset is the current version of SiMEye. A company from Taiwan is now doing its best to carve its way into the wearable tech industry with a device that would add to the competition that is currently growing for the Google Glass augmented reality headset. Should the company be successful, it could represent quite the upset in this infant industry. In fact, the company behind these new mobile devices has already won an award for its current version. The company is called…

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Google Glass blocking technology designed to enhance privacy

Google Glass augmented reality glasses

A growing number of people are starting to resent “Glassholes” and the risk of their surveillance. A new product has been created in the form of a very simple program by artist Julian Oliver, from Berlin, which has been designed to detect any Google Glass device that is nearby and that is making an attempt to connect with a Wi-Fi network. The program, called Glasshole.sh, uses a unique character string discovered in these augmented reality wearables. Oliver found that the MAC addresses of Google Glass have a unique character string.…

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